The first tournament from Central America appeared on the platform...

Welcome to Central America to the fabulous country of Costa Rica! We have recently added the first tournament from this planet's continent! Costa Rica impresses tourists with beautiful beaches, entertainment and noisy parties all along the coast! Here you can go hiking in the wild forests, meet monkeys, parrots, deer, wild boars and our other smaller brothers. The Pura Vida Cup tournament is being held for the second time among adult teams and this is an excellent option to relax for a few days in a cheerful company of football players from different continents.

The mission of is to create a large, convenient resource where it would be possible to book football and other sports competitions for children and adults, boys and girls, in summer and winter, whenever you want. We want to remove any boundaries between organizers and participants from all over the planet. Register for competitions, choose from thousands of tournaments, get vivid impressions and share them with others!
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Football tournaments

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Germany Arendsee Ascension Cup

Boy icon
B9 - B13

Venezia Jesolo Cup

Boy icon
B9 - B17
Girl icon
G13 - G15

Ischia Cup Memorial Nunzia Mattera

Boy icon

Toscana Spring Cup

Boy icon
B9 - B17

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