Where did the little girl get her interest for football?

Do you remember those moments when, as young children, crowds gathered in the courtyards to have a great time together?

When I was still a child, life was in full swing for me wherever I looked. You come to this understanding only when you become more adult. But it's important to remain that child in an adult life. Maintain your cheerfulness and live at 100 or even 1000%.
I'll tell you a story from my childhood.

When I lived with my parents and the older generation - my grandparents, the street was an integral part of my life. So many interesting things happened there! Both children and teenagers and adults got to know each other and formed certain groups or teams, having fun together in any way. Some were chatting, some were playing games. All the kids gathered in our yard and had fun.

We played various games. Most of the time we played football or the people's ball. The battles taking place on the field were terrible, although they seemed cheerful from afar. Even adults, returning from work, often asked to join our teams in order to feel like a child for a while.

Years passed, children grew up and they had other interests than just running around in the yards. But some of them were so imbued with our game that they began to play football professionally and, for sure, began to receive prizes. When it was not possible to spend time in the courtyards, I strengthened my relationship with my family.

But, even when we spent time together in the family circle, sitting at the table in front of the TV, we watched programs, including various football championships. Especially if these were World Championships. Everyone was worried about their favorite teams, favorite football players, etc. It was interesting to watch how, having different interests, we were all united by one hobby and created a powerful egregor.

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Football tournaments

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